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Both Snap! and Snap! Cloud have an API. This page describes them.


The Snap! API allows accessing Snap! from outside programs to start scripts, send and retrieve information. For example, using the API when embedding interactive projects in an iframe. Documentation for the Snap! API can be found here.

Snap! Cloud

The Snap! Cloud API allows accessing data from the Snap! community website. For example, getting a list of all published remixes from a project. Documentation for the Snap! Cloud API can be found here. Accessing these from Snap! projects used to be possible but this changed sometime in 2021.[1] If you try to get around this to access the cloud API in a Snap! project, you will be banned from Snap![2]

  1. Jens' reply to a message about accessing a user's username from the API
  2. Information post "accessing the snapcloud in a project will get you banned"