Codification support (commonly known as only Codification) is a feature that can translate a Snap! script to a text-based (and not block-based) programming language. The feature doesn’t know about any particular other language than the ones included. It is experimental according to the Snap! Manual.


You can provide a translation for each primitive block using the special codification blocks. Using these primitive blocks, you can build a block library to translate Snap! into any programming language.


You can also contribute to add a library to translate Snap! to other programming languages yourself. Once you are done with making a library, you can open a pull request on Snap!'s official GitHub repository. The developers will then check your pull request and merge that if they think that looks okay. If they think that there is something wrong or something needs to be changed, then they will let you know that by making a comment requesting changes on your pull request.

Example Project

To see some examples of codification, open the project “Codification” in the Examples project list. Edit the blocks map to Smalltalk, map to JavaScript, etc., to see examples of how to provide translations for blocks. The example project has been embedded below-